Sunday 28 February 2010


Just letting anyone who wants to know or doesn't want to know that we have a gig this MONDAY 1ST MARCH at BODEGA WAKEFIELD 9PM. we're on FIRST. (acoustic show, new song)



Tuesday 16 February 2010


Hey its rob, how is everyone? we're off to london on saturday to see 'Wakefield at the windmall' its gunna be so fun. we'll let you know what jeremiah antics go on. Plus becasue of Blake's ways im now the drummer for runaround kids, im pretty exited but also nervous that my first gig with them is in london. Abi is filming the trip so i guess it'll all be on youtube at some point. we'll let you know

Love love - Rob x

Friday 29 January 2010

Finish him!


Well as i was about to begin this blog i noticed that we now have 10 followers. We appreciate each and everyone of you for being interested (or seeming so) in our drone.

We have a new song and we'll be showing it the world (the small and kind audience at Inns of Court) at the Bambinos EP launch, which we are really looking forward to.

If you want to know what Rob is up to, he just typed this wonderful anecdote to me right this minute "ive just unlocked this little bowling mini game on that tekken game i got for my psp." So you all know Rob is doing just fine. He's in the process of opening a bank account too. Can you believe that?! He's managed to cope going place to place without bank accounts. Anyway another of the boring Rob trivia before we all fall asleep slap, bang on our keyboards...Oh one more actually. Last Sunday we had a Tekken tournament and well in the words of the deep, scary voice over - "YOU WIN" - (me)

I'd say this is a good place to stop talking. Well, typing.

Night night,

abi x

Sunday 10 January 2010



s'up friends?

So it's a year that is new and here and we'll be better at up keeping our blog and be less like a child who no longer has the most excitement for their new pet and won't clean it's hutch out.
We'll be reporting all Jeremiah relating news, songs, recordings, gigs, videos, makings, friends, scandals - (the scandal will all be Rob's doing, i'm sure.)

So January has a couple of installments:

First off, our split Heart Felt has had some nice feedback so far. If you'd like to purchase this little gem containing 2 tracks from our beloved van dam movies fans, IMP and 2 from us then visit this website:

Rob and I are practicing next Saturday and having a few fights on Tekken. We've both got some new songs in the works and we hope to be playing those at our next gig which is the 31st January at the Bambinos' ep Launch. Inns Of Court, Wakefield, 7pm. Hope you can make it!

Thursday 17 December 2009

Saturday 24 October 2009

Heart strings

come and get them pulled on sunday. We're on at 8:30, Imp are on at 9:30 it's not to missed please. It's our split ep with imp LAUNCH!

Saturday 17 October 2009


We have a gig on the 25th of october at inns of court and it is the launch of our split Ep with Imp called the 'heart felt ep' we will be playing as a full band so get your ass' down there.

In other news Abi is in london and she went to the london film festival and only bloody met Wes Anderson... bitch

Rob x